Mark had a good idea yesterday (it does happen occasionally!). I have a newly created website for my business, and in the ABOUT section, I mention that I'm a Christian, and that I'm the church secretary in our church. 

My faith is something I always mention to prospective parents and I really hope that it's part of my life that they can see being demonstrated through the way I behave. Pre-COVID, when parents were allowed into our home, they could see elements of my beliefs dotted around in the form of pictures, quotes, books etc. Mark's idea was to add a link on my website to our church and I also said I could add a link to this blog. If nothing else, it will help me to remember to keep it updated!

So, I'm going to step out in faith and do just that. I've also got a couple of people that I'm going to send the link to this blog to. I'm hoping for a seed to be sown (or maybe just some questions about why I'm dressed in white standing in a pool - certainly doesn't look like your average spa day!). 

I had a lovely encouragement just before Christmas where one of my current mums asked me about our church as she was really interested in attending with her children. I was able to briefly chat about how my faith has really helped get through these challenging times. I'd love to think that my faith is like a massive badge that I wear with pride and that people notice it. Sometimes I feel so amazingly grateful and in awe of our wonderful God that I want to stand up and shout it out so everyone can hear! Anyway, I think I surprised her when I said that I'd only been a Christian for just over 5 years, and hadn't really been to church before that. I said that I'd love to share my testimony with her ... but it's so hard at the moment as we're not allowed to see anyone! 

So, I'm going to find some time tomorrow to write my testimony. 


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