Every so often, our Pastor talks about Spiritual Growth - and also how difficult it is to measure. He often tells us to look back a year and make a decision based on that. It's partly his job to be concerned about the spiritual growth of his flock and it's something I often ponder upon. 

I'm pleased to say that, in the 5 and a bit years that I've been a Christian, I've seen that growth. It builds year on year so that now, when I look back to that Christmas 6 years ago, when my husband (Mark) and I first attended a service at our local church, I can't believe I'm one and the same person. Well, I can believe it because I believe in Jesus and He is a miracle maker. All things are possible, even enticing me into His Church when I didn't even realise I wanted to go (but I'll save that story for another day!). 

I never want to stand still, so I've made a decision this year to document my Spiritual Journey. I want to be able to look back in a year's time and read about the changes in me, the changes in my life, to reflect on what I've learned, and what I still have to discover. I can feel God moving in my life, and I sense that some changes are going to happen in the next few years to Mark and myself. I want to push myself to learn more, to challenge myself where usually I just sit and accept what I've been told or I've read. I want to delve deeper and take greater responsibility to learn about God, His plans for His people, and the plans He has for me. I'm not worthy of being loved by the great Creator, but I can truly rest in His love for me. He gives me everything I have and need and I hope, through writing this blog, and adding to it possibly a couple of times a week (yeah, right!), that I will be more open to seeing how He is moulding me. 

So, I'm really writing this for me. But if you've happened to stumble across it then possibly there will be something in it for you too. Who knows where He will take us?


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